The Monotype Collection

While at Ogilvy, I used to organize a series of talks for the agency called 'Things to Make You Think'. Monotype were kind enough to come in and it was like that moment from the movie Stepbrothers, upon meeting we became best friends. They asked would I be interested in creating a book about IBM to be part of the beautiful Monotype Collection. No hesitation, yes!

I'd been gathering and researching IBM while working at Ogilvy. Sadly, there isn’t a comprehensive record of all of the beautiful work they’ve done (a lot in collaboration with Ogilvy). I wrote up a story about the relationship with Monotype—who had created custom versions of Lubalin and Helvetica for IBM on the request of Ogilvy—as well as collating a timeline. The lovely SEA in London designed the final book and Ogilvy pals Sid and Todd provided their wisdom through conversations, inspiration and editing my rambling words.